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  • Writer's pictureGrant Sawyer

12 People to Follow in the UX industry

He is the author of The Design of Everyday Things. On his website you will find other books he has written as well as essays.

Bruce is a principal within the well-known NNG (Nielsen Norman Group). He’s been an Interaction Design consultant for many brands including but not limited to Microsoft, AT&T, Adobe, Kodak, Hewlett Packard, General Electric, and Much more!

Jared works for UIE (User Interface Engineering) and is the founder of Center Centre, a school for UX Design. He is a popular speaker and has written articles and books. He’s been in tech for 43 years.

At one point Aaron was VP of content at InVision. He is a keynote speaker, and he is also the cohost of the Design Better Podcast. He has a written a book titled Design for Emotions. His website included in the link above says he is currently working as a product and design lead for Resolve to Save Lives.

Dan has 4 books, articles, and is a product design director for Flipboard. He also has a master’s degree in design.

He is a founding principal of MeasuringU, which provides UX consulting and research services. He is also an author and speaker in the field of UX with 6 books as well as more than 25 articles.

The author who the book, Don’t Make Me Think, which is considered a staple in the UX field. He also does live speaking engagements.

Luke is one of the Cofounders and a former board chair member of the Interaction Design Association. He’s done work for big name companies such as but not limited to being a lead UI Designer for eBay, and a Chief Design Architect at Yahoo. He is currently a product director at Google.

Stephanie is a specialist in UX research, UX and Product Design, and mobile strategy. She has blog with 80 plus articles. She holds workshops and is a mentor, speaker, and teacher of things UX related.

Kara is the Senior VP of the Nielsen Norman Group and has courses and articles that deal with UX related concepts.

Joe Natoli is the founder of the UX 365 Academy and has ebooks, cheat sheets and guidebooks you can look at. If you’re a VIP member of his academy you get to have a monthly mastermind meeting.

Jamal is a consultant whose work centers around UX strategy, and Interaction design. He has 10 years doing work with global startups and brands. Currently, he is working at Facebook.

Lenora is an admin works for Senior Product designer at Salesforce and is one of the admins for the Black Women in Product Design group on Facebook.

Susan is the Founder and CEO of The Team W, Inc. She has a Ph.D in Psychology and is author as well. She is a co-host of the HumanTech podcast.

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