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  • Writer's pictureGrant Sawyer

8 Reasons Why You Still Don’t Have a UX Job

Getting a job in the UX industry can be difficult. It’s especially hard for juniors and entry-level designers, but it can be difficult for higher-level designers as well. There are a lot of reasons why you may not have a UX job, but here are some reasons why you can’t get a job in the UX industry. Sometimes there are things you could be doing better and sometimes it isn’t your fault.

Competition is fierce

UX has been around for decades. However, now more than ever it seems like everyone and their dog wants to get into UX. Go to LinkedIn and search for UX jobs or any types of jobs related to UX. Most likely, you will see that 200 candidates or more have already applied for the job. Only one of those candidates will get hired. That means 199 other candidates didn’t get hired. That means those 199 candidates who didn’t get hired are potentially competing against you for other jobs that you are applying for as well. Wonderful!

You aren’t putting in enough effort when applying

Applying for jobs is pretty easy these days. You can click easy apply on LinkedIn. You can click the one-click button for jobs on Ziprecruiter. You can send out resumes to various jobs all day, but the question you need to ask yourself is how much thought are you putting into your job materials when you apply? Is your resume easy to read? Do you send cover letters and reference letters with your resume? People hate having to send out cover letters and reference letters because it’s more time you have to take to prepare your job materials before you apply. Not only that but there is no guarantee that you’ll get the interview for the job either. However, if you put in the extra effort, it will show to potential employers. It will most likely give you an edge over the person who just sends a resume. Cover letters give you a chance to explain yourself in ways that you can’t in a resume and reference letters give you a sense of social proof to the employer.

You don’t have the right background

This section is probably the one that people will have to contend with the most. When I said sometimes it’s your fault for not being hired and sometimes it is, this is one of those things that I was alluding to. You may be someone who has a solid portfolio, but you applied for a job that is above your qualifications. Keep in mind that when you get hired for a job it’s usually a sign that the company feels like you are already doing work that is the equivalent of what they are asking for. You may have the right portfolio, but you may live in a different state and they need someone who is already there. You may live in the same state as the job you are applying to, but not have the experience for the job. You may have the right education for the job and live in the same state, but your portfolio may not be good enough for the particular job. The problem that you have with not having the right background is that whenever you don’t have something, there is someone else out there who does. This can make UX practitioners feel like they have no place in the world of UX. Have no fear though. In the world of UX, there is a place for everyone.

You can’t get jobs you don’t apply for

This may seem obvious, but hear me out. Sometimes people don’t apply for jobs for the simple reason that they feel like they wouldn’t be picked for the job. Imposter Syndrome is a big thing amongst people coming into the UX community which is understandable given that they’re new to the field. However, it needs to be coupled with the mindset that you know more than you think you do. It’s not always easy to know where you are in terms of the hierarchy of design. You might think to yourself I’m better off as a junior designer at this point in my career so you only apply to junior level jobs, but you get job offers from recruiters saying they think you’d make a good mid-level designer for their company. If you don’t apply for jobs because you feel like you wouldn’t be picked then you’re never going to get a job. You need to put yourself out there even if you don’t think you’ll get hired. The only way to know for sure is to apply and see what happens.

You only want the jobs that you apply for

This is a tough one for many people because they have a certain idea of what they want in their head and when they see a job that isn’t it, they immediately write it off. This is called confirmation bias and it’s something that we all suffer from to some degree. The problem with this way of thinking is that you never know what the job will be like until you get into the job. Some people hate the idea of applying to startups and only apply to companies with big names. Some people apply to lots of startups, but don’t apply to a lot of big names jobs. Some people only apply to remote jobs. Some people only apply for jobs in their city or state. If you’ve posted your resume to sites like Monster, Indeed, Hired, and other places, most likely you are getting calls and emails from employers that are hiring. You just aren’t accepting those calls, emails, and text messages. To some extent I get it. It can be overwhelming to receive so much contact from all these different jobs every day especially since sometimes you get job offers for stuff you did in the past that wasn’t dealing with UX as opposed to stuff you are trying to do currently that is in the UX industry. It can be fruitful to go back and see if any of those opportunities you passed up are worth your while.

You’re not networking enough

Networking can be defined as building relationships with other people. In the business world, it’s often used as a way to make connections that can lead to jobs. Networking can be as simple as going to meetups or attending conferences. It can also be more personal such as meeting someone for lunch. It’s easy to just work on your resume, your portfolio, and things of that nature, but it’s good to socialize every once in a while. networking helps you stay updated on what’s happening in UX industry as well as be acquainted with people who know people who might hire you. Keep in mind that many jobs aren’t listed publicly. This means if you find out about one of those jobs from a close associate you have the chance to be one of the few if not the only one to know about that job. This makes it more likely for you to gain an interview for the job.

You might not have enough commercial experience

This is probably the most common reason why people can’t get a job in UX. Commercial experience shows employers that you have been battle tested in the world of UX. Look for volunteer opportunities. See if you can work part-time or even a full-time job and then do volunteer opportunities while you’re off work. A lot of people hate the concept of doing unpaid opportunities, but the thing is a lot of unpaid opportunities have low competition. This makes it easier to get those opportunities. You get a leg up on the competition in the UX market by doing things that nobody is doing or is willing to do.

You may not be the best interviewer

Interviewing for a job is tough. It’s even tougher when you don’t have any experience. The best way to practice for an interview is to do mock interviews with friends or family members. Research the company you are applying for and come up with talking points based on requirements and preferences you see on the job description. There may be a lot of reasons why you don’t yet have a job in UX, but there’s a lot you can do to increase your chances of getting a UX job. Just be patient, sharpen your job materials, and keep applying. Eventually, you will find a way in.

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