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  • Writer's pictureGrant Sawyer

Why You Can’t Succeed In Starting A Business

Nowadays, everybody seems to want to have their own business or at least thinks about starting a business and why not? There’s a certain sense of freedom that comes from having your own business. The issue is that it’s not always easy to actually commit to a business. There are many reasons why you might not succeed in starting your own business. It could be that you don’t have the right skills or knowledge, you’re not motivated enough, or you simply don’t have the right opportunity. However, if you’re determined to start your own business, there are a few things you need to know to help you understand why you aren’t having the success you want.

Perpetual learning

We live in a world where there is so much information about everything. As a result it’s possible to get stuck in this loop of wanting to know everything about something before diving into it. Perpetual learning can be associated with a fear of failure. You want to be successful at a business so you try to learn everything about it. Although I do think it is important to be well-informed about a something before you go into it, it needs to be balanced with the knowledge that you won’t and can’t know everything before you start.

Shiny object syndrome

There are so many hustles out there that it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the options. There’s reselling, affiliate marketing, dropshipping, daytrading, cryptocurrency, NFTs, digital real estate, owning vending machines, having a lemonade stand, underwater basket weaving, and the list goes on forever. Often-times people love doing something in the beginning, but then they start to plateau and then move onto something else. This in turn prevents them from making real money in the business they got into. You must pick something and stick with it!

Spreading yourself too thin

Similar to shiny object syndrome, it’s possible to have to be invested in too many businesses all at once. Business can require a lot of detail to be put into them, and so it’s important that you’re giving them the attention that they need by not trying to do too many other things outside of that business. This isn’t to say that you have to stick with one business forever. On the contrary, most likely you will go through multiple businesses before you find a business worth putting your all into.

Lack of focus

In addition to spreading yourself too thin, it’s important to be focused on what you’re doing. This means not being pulled in different directions by other people or things. We see it all the time at 9 to 5 jobs. It’s easy to fall into the trap of not always working on things you should because you know you have 8 hours in the day to complete a task. Jobs can also make us focus on things that don’t really need to be focused on like meetings that could have been emails, and things of that nature. When you are trying to start a business you need to understand your priorities so you can meet deadlines. It can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks of a business and forget about the bigger picture.

Remember, being able to start a successful business means being able to focus on what’s important and have the ability to adapt to unforeseen circumstances but stay moving towards the goal.

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